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There are nearly 300 sets/sets of various equipment, including precision equipment and instruments such as four-axis/five-axis machining centers, CNC rack grinders, CNC worm grinders...
Pump wheel sleeve
Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment

Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment
公司现拥有各类加工设备400余台/套, 其中包括各类数控车床、加工中心、数控齿条磨、蜗杆磨床,立式、卧式拉床、高频淬火回火机组、全自动清洗机等多种国内先进设备。企业现有员工250余人,其中高技能、高技术人才50余人,占比超过20%。

Fixed block
Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment

Spline bushing
Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment

Turbine hub
Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment

Pump wheel hub
Chongqing Sitong Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in January 1995 and located at the National High-tech Development Zone, Bishan District, Chongqing City where there is convenient transportation and comfortable environment

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